Friday, June 30, 2017

Everything is Connected....or jumbled together.... or entangled in a mesh of overactive brain activity

Is everything in my life connected?! It would seem so. I recently joined up with friends to be more accountable and intentional about my health. I'm only 10 days in, but I feel better already. I still don't wake up energized and ready to go. Unlike my little companion... she hears that alarm and she is ready to take on the day!
See the wagging tail? Up and at 'em!

Have you noticed that one thing leads to another? The force is strong this morning for sure. The ADHD force. My mind. a little bird. flitting around and getting off on all sorts of bunny trails. I see that I posted the same thing twice. Different words. But did you break out in song when you ready the first sentence of paragraph two? I did. Click here if you did. Or you want to. Or if you are young and don't even have a clue why I would break out in song.

Okay. Connections. Life. Mine. Yours. Etc.
I already stated that I trying to become intentional about my health. I knew I couldn't do it alone. So I banded together with a small tribe of women and we are forging out our new trail. Turns out, according to what I am reading for my Master of Education Classes, that it really is a new trail. In my brain. I am resisting the impulse to eat my diet of high fat, high carb, ultra-convenient, ultra-processed (and reprocessed and over-processed) food. And that by being part of a group of like minded people who I am making myself accountable to, I am making those connections in my brain more concrete. Oh yeah. The lightbulb went off for me! For sure! See how what I am learning in one area connects with the other?

Okay.... for all the ranting, my brain emptied out pretty fast! Oh, I know. I was going to wax poetic about my healthy lifestyle changes. Well, the force to reckoned with (my disjointed brain), says it is time to go and do.... walk, plant, dig, wash, clean, more, more, more. do. do. do. Apparently I wrote enough to calm the connectedness rhetoric that was running rampant in my mind. Everything really is connected. More than we know apparently.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Beyond Grateful

So there's this crazy-magical-terrifying-mystical journey we are on called life. And I have spent my fair share (or more) complaining about the things that don't quite live up to what I expect. But I've been taught that I need to not expect. If I do this, I won't complain as much. This is not to be confused with lowering my standards. At some point, my standards were as low as they could possibly go. But eliminating my expectations means that I am not overwhelmed with guilt when I shoot for the moon and only make it to the stars. I'm free to dream and to reach. Because the fear of failure can be truly paralyzing. And there's no one harder on me than I am. There's also that little thing about putting expectations on those "things" that I have no control over, like other people. When I put people into a certain category and dredge up certain expectations, well, I am certain to be disappointed-- crushed. Because I have no control on someone else's thoughts, dreams, actions. The more I can grasp this, the more gratitude I have. Today I am beyond grateful for the life I live. I am so truly blessed and loved. My life is full of good people, great kids, wonderful kin and a teaching career that is satisfying and fulfilling. My life is full. grateful. sometimes it is too-small of a word. I am overwhelmed with all there is to be grateful for. beyond what I can measure.....