Monday, December 31, 2018

One Little Word. Or is it? Little? In with 2019.

What one little word might sum up my hopes and dreams for 2019? Last year I chose free. And yet I was bogged down by circumstance and pressures around me that I could not control. I did not truly let them go or experience true freedom. But it's a great word. And this year's word will be very similar. Because I finally believe that I am worth it. To be free. Not to be held hostage by my upbringing, my past, myself.

This year's word is not little, it is simple. It's GRACE. Grace for myself, grace for my mistakes, those ingrained habits that I hate, the people around me, the little people that I teach. Grace for my children. Grace for idiots on the highways. Because giving grace away automatically extends it to myself. It also transforms people. Once I give grace to other drivers, they are no longer idiots, but people, who like me, make mistakes, mis-judge things, get in a hurry, etc. They become human. I believe this is true in all circumstances. Once I extend grace to my own children, I have allowed them to fail and pick themselves up and be the amazing people that they are.... human people, flawed people. People who try as hard as they know how and are not perfect. This gives them freedom to become. to change. to live their lives as fully as God intended.


It's a good word. Bring it on universe. 2019 here I come!