Today I am waxing reflective. Of course. This year is drawing to a
close. And I am so grateful. Good bye and good riddance. Adios 2019.
Part of writing a new post includes looking at what I posted last. It's a
good post actually. And only a few who read it, got it. Because as much
as I talked about stinky stuff (aka... shit), I know there's hope. Hope
in the light coming on. Light bulb moments are filled with hope.
Because without them, the darkness is overwhelmingly dark.
If you read this in the fashion that it was penned (okay, well, typed) then you are tired now. And out of breath. And that is my life. Bursts and breaks. It's not a literary accident or failure. It's true to life. My life.
I'm fairly certain that the light at the end of the tunnel has flickered with hope for the last time. It has been extinguished and I'm here, again, in the darkness. So if you read my last blog post and you were saddened by my sadness, realize that sadness paired with hope is still hopeful. Sadness paired with despair is a completely different beast. And this is the time it is appropriate to worry. To know that a soul who feels only the burden of their shortcomings and no hope for a real change or a brighter future, that is a soul on the brink. The brink of a disaster that is too huge to even fathom. Because it will be buried. In more societal shame and secrecy. And more baggage and societal norms and aches will be placed on my children in their "healing" process, leading to more trauma, more disconnectedness and the cycle will repeat. Again, and again, and again.
Today, I got up to try and pull myself out of the hole I am in, and realized that it's cold and dark down here, and I don't have the energy to climb. And without some form of light, I have no reason to try. To scratch at the walls of dark, cold, despair. Today I am beyond the edge of despair. Today despair is wrapped around me like a warm blanket. without the warmth. Just cold. and dark.