Is it really? Living? When you are constantly overwhelmed with asthmatic suck-the-life-right-out-of-you lack of breath. Oh. Wait. I don't actually have asthma. I live with someone who has asthma. and it is a full time job when my asthmatic is in the throes of.... well, any kind of respiratory-distressing villain. And I have to say, I do it too. The whole down-playing of the severity of the disease. Apparently, it really is a disease. I hate that word. Because I hate the thought that this will plague "us" forever. The Punky-girl (aka.... the Punk, Punk, Punky, Punkinseed, Punky-brewster), got the roving respiratory crud about 3 weeks ago. Trip number one to Urgent Care.... negative for Covid; negative for Strep; negative for Influenza. "Just a virus," "get plenty of rest, drink water, take breathing treatments. It will run it's course." Uh-huh. So.... cough suppressant, breathing treatments, sleep, rescue inhaler.... here we go. And go. And go. Trip number two to urgent care... Covid test: negative; Influenza: negative. It's "just" a virus. Really? Because her breathing is getting worse. Ummm.... well, let's do a steroid. Okay. and.... two days later my kiddo cant catch her breath, wheezing like crazy. Mom, well Mom, is trying not to panic. Make it to her PCP appointment. the wheezing is audible. The horror is real. so we enjoy an ambulance ride (well, you know.... she does) to the ER while receiving a breathing treatment. I meet them there. At which time, the breathing treatment magically worked. X-Rays come back clear. Testing for.... RSV, Covid-19, Strep, Influenza, and 17 other viruses: negative. This is almost 2 weeks in. A little better... a whole lot worse. two steps forward, twelve steps back. Here is sit, selfishly wishing, waiting, for Punky to feel better. To get better. To breathe freely. She is my baby. I admit, she is spoiled rotten. But when your baby starts battling for breath as a child, well, I just do whatever it takes. *sigh*
We are still being antagonized by a mystery, the elusive breathe. Chasing the "dream." The dream of breathing freely like most people take for granted. Wouldn't that be something. breathing freely. Seems reasonable. Please dear Universe, grant us this freedom. Please dear Lord.