Saturday, March 28, 2015

An every day conviction

Every day I resolve to be healthier, eat better, clean up the place, and just get motivated..... every. single. day. But then I engage in my avoidance tactics..... television, check job postings, social media, check the email, check them all again.....

Today I read another depressing article about sugar and the horrors it inflicts on our bodies. Yes, I believe it. I believe that sugar is the devil. But it's what I love. So I'll read about it, research some more, make plans to buy the best groceries, and then I'll wait. Until tomorrow. While I stuff my face with sugar.... fudge, soda, desserts. Getting ready to go to the movie. And we'll have popcorn loaded with butter and we will have BIG cups of soda. High fructose corn syrup. Yum. I know it makes me not feel well, I know that IF I would detox off of sugar, I would feel SO much better. I know it. But so far, I do not have the discipline to do it. I love me some carbs, and some sugar. And if it is known to clog an artery or spike the blood pressure, well, sign me up. And every day I think I am REALLY going to make a change. I am going to do it. Get healthier, feel better, begin the change in our home. And then I find some of that delectable fudge, or get a "craving" for a soda, or feel the need for some chocolate. Maybe better yet I find some greasy burger and fries. Yum. I feel my arteries clogging and my heart is smiling.  Yeah, I am totally at odds with myself. My health-conscious self and my greasy, heart clogging, blood pressure raising self. At odds. Today I am ready to head out to the movies, butter up, and drink that soda. Today I know I did not win. Tomorrow the battle will begin again. One day, the healthier me, she will win. And then the change will truly begin.


  1. I'm with you--I get so tired of the constant health hysteria we see in articles full of dire warnings--the pressure to be perfectly healthy all the time is just too much! My big project these days is switching from soda to Gatorade, on the theory that less sugar is better, but there's no way I could cut it altogether!

    1. I have several friends who have detoxed off sugar and they feel so much better. It is just getting from here (full sugar, lots of it....soda, candy, sweets, etc.) to there. My daughter has some mysterious health symptoms and I want to try going sugar free, but I think we should wait til summer when I can really plan meals and make sure we have plenty of whole foods in the house.
