Friday, December 27, 2024

Tragically Broken

 First of all, I am obsessed with JellyRoll of late. He seems to say the things I feel and can't seem to put into words. I have a couple current faves, starting with "Save Me.

Somebody save me, me from myself
I've spent so long living in Hell
They say my lifestyle is bad for my health
It's the only thing that seems to help
All of this drinkin' and smokin' is hopeless
But feel like it's all that I need
Somethin' inside of me's broken
I hold on to anything that sets me free
I'm a lost cause
Baby, don't waste your time on me
I'm so damaged beyond repair
Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams

It's been years and years and dare I even say it, YEARS, since I have I've actually descended into the depths of hell in the bottle and the pills and chemicals. But the desire to leave my life behind and escape the chaos of my mind has been looming large of late. And I even had a recent taste of the pain of my life being greater than my desire to stay clean, I had a brief, very brief (abbreviated) relapse. But I had too much program time and the voice in my head saying, "You need to get honest with yourself about the reality of your recovery...." and chose to get honest and restart my clean time. After 36 years. It was humbling. Is humbling. What gets to me about this song (and I only posted some of the lyrics), is the chorus: "I'm a lost cause" "don't waste your time on me" "I'm so damaged beyond repair, Life has shattered my hopes and my dreams". This has been my mindset for as long as I can remember. I can envision little Carrie, under school age, crying and broken and not knowing why she was so shattered. That's where I really connect with the lyric, "somethin' inside of me's broken..." And it is reality that I seek anything that drowns out that feeling. I live in a state of denial even without mood altering substances. And alcohol was my poison. But recently I discovered Oxy. I've known for a long time I'm an addiction switcher. Because I just want the pain to stop. Tattoos, relationships, jobs.... these are often ways for me to escape myself. I'll just tell you, tattoos, they just hurt so good. No wonder my relationship failed, if I really believe I'm a lost cause. And that is probably the crux of it. 

But I have also been knee-deep in the life of the prodigal "son." I've come home, and my Father dropped everything and killed the fatted calf. We've celebrated. Because the depression last December ('23) was concerning. I wasn't sure I'd survive 2024. Holding on for my babies was getting more and more difficult. 

Remorse over past actions, damage done to people I love, in sobriety, has been the bain of my existence. My children have literally begged me to forgive myself. I am afraid to. I am so scared that this action will equal a free pass and I'll forget the pain I inflicted. I'll forget and repeat it. Truth be told, I'll never forget, and holding myself to a higher standard of perfection than humanly possible, actually increases my likelihood to repeat the behaviors. But head knowledge doesn't penetrate the heart, or the brokeness. 

But I'm asking God to heal my brokenness. And one of the things that has started the healing has happened in the last few years. Forgiving others, letting go of anger, and accepting that they may or may not have the ability to be what I need or what I needed as a child. 

So this bring me to my next Jelly Roll obsession. His recent hit, "I Am Not Okay" is also a winner with me. And some days I do not know that "it's all gonna be all right...." but I want to believe this. And the truth is... God has always taken care of my dumb ass, so why wouldn't he continue doing that right now? 

Getting back into my faith brings me to a level of Jesus Lover (I am a bit opposed to calling myself a Christian, because American Christians are also the bain of my existence.... they are not new testament Christ followers.... they are Pharisees) that is a bit eccentric (translation: weird, extreme). Being an extreme Jesus-lover means I pray about everything, even the little things, and I tell God when I'm pissed off at Him and I need His help. And I know that everything, everything, is figure-out-able with God. But not really with self. I am not enough. 

God has told me some things. One thing He's been telling me for awhile now, but I'm finally convinced it is really God not just me pretending to hear something I want to hear.... is that He is not calling me to a great job where all my needs will be met. God has been telling me that He's calling me to rely on His ability to do miracles in the world today. And that I can't do it. You know, I'm on disability and it is a wild and hilarious ride. To explain just a little bit: at the end of 2023, we were in a financial bracket that made me eligible for medicaid to pay my medicare premium (about $163/mo), and also provided us with $233/month for groceries. When my cost of living expense increased by $48/month, I lost both of these benefits, an approximate $400 ($396) a month. Does this seem equal some how? I've been pedaling as fast as I can trying to make ends meet.... using school loan money for my kid(the child, not the goat), selling my little crafty stuff, selling the produce of the farm, like eggs, and baby chicks, and our kids (the goats, not the people). But it's never enough. This fall, I finally was able to take the district training I needed to start Substitute teaching in a nearby district. I need to do this approximately 4 full days a month to make enough to meet the debts. My cost of living "raise" this year is a whopping $38/month. I just wonder what all benefits we'll lose with this so-called raise. But life continues to happen.

Our septic system has encountered a little hiccup. And we've found through some miraculous financial contributions, and labors of love of Christ-followers (the kind I actually want to be like), a semi-permanent fix. It's not a forever fix, but it works for now. As life keeps on happening. And happening. Last week we got up to no running water. Our well pump died. It appears that something bit a wire and burned out the pump. But the truth is, it is a blessing. Our pressure switch was running overtime and the electrician pointed out it was glowing red all the time, pulling more electricity and not getting real results, and this had been happening for awhile. The well pipes were rusted through, and our water pressure has always been questionable for us in the four years we've been here. But the thing is, the pump was $539, at the cheapest price we could find. And then there's parts that need replaced labor. So I first asked God for a miracle. Then I posted my dilemma on social media. And aha! Miracles happened!! Miracles with skin on. I had an offer from a loved one to buy the pump that same day! I also had two friends offer to contribute $250 each! That covered the debt! But to make things sweeter.... the electrician donated a large part of his labor. And over the cost of the well, we only had to pay $250 total. This led to each person donating $125. One person told me that she had plans for $100 of the $250 going to a different Christmas benevolent gift, but felt that running water was an emergency and so was going to forego that gift in order to bless us. With the gift of the electrician's time and hard work, she was able to help us and make the other benevolent gift she had already planned. God blessed two families through the humble gift of one man and his generous contribution of labor. 

I could never have afforded this expense on my own. And God has assured me that this is going to happen again and I'm going to have to rely on the love of others to cover the costs. It's comforting and frightening at the same time and goes against the whole "American Dream" theory of being self-sufficient and that this is somehow the Christian way of life. This is the Americanized Christianity that is often judgmental and hateful. And God tells me I am not going to be able to achieve these things. Not by His grace anyway. His way is the old-fashioned way where fellow Jesus-lovers take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. God tells me that I'm chosen for this and it's a special calling. I live in the middle of the American midwest, and it does not feel special, chosen, successful by the standards of this "Christian nation." 

As I continue to chase after Jesus and find myself still feeling very much like the first Jelly Roll song I posted, I find myself singing at the top of my lungs when my latest favorite song comes on.... Liar. And I usually end it by saying something smartassy to Satan, like "yeah Satan, you are a LIAR!" 

To summarize: 

  • Jelly Roll obsessed... because I have always been aware that I'm broken. And that I just something to stop the pain and Jelly Roll addresses this in so many of his songs that I love. 
  • God loves me and shows me that miracles are real all the time. 
  • God has called me to be my weird, authentic, quirky self.
  • God's calling on my life is not really something that is in line with the American Way.
  • I'm blessed in my brokenness and my life is a miracle.


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