Thursday, April 9, 2020

Is it Magic? Is it Badassery?

Badassery 101: "Growth ain't for weenies, but it's nowhere near as painful as living the life you're living right now if you're not really going for it. If you want to take control of your life and turn it into something spectacularly "you"... stop at nothing. Have faith. Trust that your new life is already here and is far better than the old....Whatever happens, stay the course, because there's nothing cooler than watching your entire reality shift into one that is the perfect expression of you." -You are a Badass daily calendar 2020.

Today's reading, while good, was not awe-inspiring. It pairs nicely with this one though. Today's reading says "Our thoughts are the most powerful tools we've got."

So if I am wallowing in my depression, I am not thrilled to think that my thoughts are a tool or that they are powerful and especially not "the most powerful." But if I first read the previous quote (it is from April 1st, by the way), not only do I want to REALLY go for it, but I also know my thoughts are my most powerful tool in the toolbox. This is kind of like the current thought of changing your perspective from "stuck at home" to "safe at home." Change one little word and everything is different. Well, in the case of the badass quotes, it's not one little word, but more of a stand alone theory. When I read "our thoughts are the most powerful tools we've got" by itself, it is completely subjective to my current state of mind as to how encouraging or motivational it really is. But if I first find something (in this case a previous reading that struck a deep chord) inspiring and motivating, then these words give courage and are a respected measuring stick. It's not that they don't ring true when I am not positive, motivated, and going for it, they are still very true. But it's about just how true and powerful my thoughts are when I am already held captive by them.  It is this knowledge that terrifies and paralyzes. I hate mental paralysis. I live with a lot of it though. A LOT.

So when my thoughts are held captive by depression or despair, it is an important step to first acknowledge it, But then I need to search for the gentle encouragement that will unlock my mind and my soul. And persist. Much badassery happens for those who do not give up.

This is where the magic happens.

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