Sunday, March 10, 2024

Call it Camp Crazy

My family is a wreck. A train wreck. I don't know how to even process. I am super overwhelmed and want to write about it, but then I just get overwhelmed. So here goes.... 

My Dad was a womanizer, my mom a control freak and cheater and physically and emotionally abusive to my sister and I. My exhusband was, well, list anything bad and crazy and manipulative and narcissistic and it describes him and how he treated me. But it gets better. My mom put my dad through living hell for his affairs, some of them after her affair, the one where she slept with another married man and maintained a friendship with their family for years, to the point where later on, my family took the other family's son under their wing and looked after his family and would check on him and take care of his children. When said son got sober they made a point on checking in on him 2-3 times a week. That "son" became my husband. Which is how we all found out about my Mom's affair with my boyfriend's (soon to be husband) father years before, an effort to break us up before we wed. Which drove us together. For me it was a sick, twisted desire to control my own destiny and not let anyone else tell me what was right or wrong for me. But I'm found out 20+ years later that there were probably even more dark and sinister motives on the part of my ex that would have made our marriage appealing to him. 

1 comment:

  1. This reads like the blurb on the back of a novel, but what makes the words even more powerful is that you are writing about your life. I hope you find ways to process these memories and events as you write about them.
