Friday, March 7, 2025

Feeling Frantic

 I'm off to see the wizard! Okay, I already live in Oz, so it's not that far of a jaunt, right? Actually I'm off to a Women's Sleepover. No husbands, pets, or kids. I can't wait. But.... I'm already behind and still packing. And panicking. And I feel like I have little rip off's of posts for my Slice's so far this March. But I do NOT want to miss it completely. I am taking my computer and plan to sneak off to the coffee shop tomorrow to write and sip coffee in peace. 

I still have to pack crafting supplies.... I said I'd lead a craft, why I said that I don't know now. I can't really believe that I said it. Not because I won't enjoy it, I will. I like that kind of stuff. I was a Creative Memories consultant and LOVED it. And I was a teacher, and loved that. So.... it is just my supreme lack of organization and planning that is biting me in the ass today. And causing more panic, more distress.

I still have to pack snacks. Oh boy. 

What I do have done.... clothes are packed, bedding is packed, kids' instructions for all the chores I do around here that nobody really notices but the darn place can't run without them, that lengthy list and instruction letter is done.

It is almost 4 and dinner is at 5 and it's a 30 minute drive. Oh boy. Feeling so panicked makes kind of shut down. My brain works slower, my limbs literally move more slowly, I feel a little numb, and a lot like I'm in the Twilight Zone. 

But I gotta keep my eye on the prize.... Women's Sleepover. No husband (not that it matters since I've been single twice as long as I was married), no kids (woohoo! I love 'em but I need a break....) and no pets (it's not so much the pets I need a break from as the other animals (chicks: baby chicks and half grown chicks, silkie chickens, various breeds of full-sized chickens, and our ducks). Oh I guess pets in this regard.... the new puppy. I loves him. I do. But he's a baby and that = work. 

So I'm off! To finish packing and to see the wizard-ette (is that a witch?)! Happy Slicing! Be sure to comment on other slices. Read everyone's Slice of Life


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