Thursday, March 6, 2025

Five Things.... a glimpse of my day

 Five Things.... 

Five things about today. 

One.... I got up at 4 am, which is stupid-early for me. We (my youngest) had a doctor appointment with a specialist and it was a 3-ish hour drive. So..... we left here a couple minutes before 5 a.m., and it's a good thing we left when we did because we live in the boonies, and there is no such thing as a morning rushhour or traffic jams. 

Two.... the Dr. visit was good. It was more like maintenance. We were on the road home after labs and everything by 10:30 this morning. 

Three.... I was ecstatic to get home and love on my puppy. He is a joy. He's going to need some training. He chased the ducks today and didn't stop when I tried to call him. We are pricing shock collars as I type. 

Four.... one of the baby chicks has splay leg and is a little weak and idk.... not great. So I cleaned his face (one eye wouldn't open for some reason), and we made a little makeshift splint (?) out of a hair rubber band and a plastic straw piece, and then I dunked his head in the water so that he would drink. I'll check on him again later and see if I can get him to drink a little more so he'll get stronger. 

Five.... tonight is the night I share dinner with my friends. They call it "fellowship meal" and all I have to do is show up and I get fed. I get some social time and a meal. It's a total win for me. And I'm sure its a win for them too because they get the pleasure of my company. bwahahahahaha. 

That's my five things for today. 

If you want to read more about other people's Slice of Life, follow the link, or click on the orange. 

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