Friday, January 3, 2020

One Word 2020

So for the last few years I have been choosing a word, just one word. One word to strive for in the new year. But this last year, two years, have really beat me. I am down for the count. Discouraged, out of hope, feeling defeated. What's next? Whatever comes my way. I am down, but not dead. I am defeated today, but it won't last. Why? Because when you wake up at the very bottom of your life, with your hope gone, your ego deflated, your give-a-damn busted, there are not any other places to go.  It's dark and it's cold and it's uncomfortable at the bottom. It's dank. Not a place you can effectively wrap up in your warm blanket and hide from the world in. And you can see the light, you just can't reach it. So you have to get up. Move. Throw yourself up the wall and try to reach the ledge. You cannot stay in one place and find any warmth for your soul. So you move. Therefore, my word this year is unstoppable. Not in a confident, egotistical way, but in a, I-keep-falling-down-but-I-am-not-dead-yet kind of way. Here I go. I will just keep going. Even if it is at a snail's pace. I will not stop. Because I can go up from here or forward into the ever-expanding darkness, but I cannot stop. I will be unstoppable this year.

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