Sunday, May 24, 2020

This computer will automatically close all tabs and shut down in... (some amount of time)

Some mornings I get up and think I have nothing to say. Just the endless chatter in my head. I know I need to learn to write anyway. Write my way through the writer's block, if that's what it is. I think it is just that I forgot to close all the tabs before I went to bed and work up with 99 tabs open on my internal browser. And I keep getting a message that the storage is full and I need to upgrade. Am I alone in this? Memory is slow, but there's a lot to sort through, maybe that is why. I don't actually know how to upgrade my internal hard-drive or even access more storage. Maybe I'll try a reboot. A complete shutdown for the human life equivalent of a computer shutdown minute. So what does that mean? 24 hours? 48? And what exactly am I detoxing from? My computer? Any and all forms of electronics? Humankind? Well, humans these days are not super kind anyway. I am not sure I'll mind a human-unkind detox. Okay. For real. Help me formulate a plan for this. Will I magically heal and be ready for a reboot in two days? What else do I need to detox from? Prepared foods? Negative thoughts? I'm hopeful I can formulate a plan and then share my experience with all of you. You know, kind of like when your electronic browser says something like: "Computer will shut down in 60 seconds. Do you wish to save your work?" Or whatever. I am planning a shutdown. I can still cancel it or change the settings and save everything at this point. But once I shut 'er down, I may lose some data if it wasn't properly saved.

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