Saturday, September 23, 2023

What WOULD Jesus do?

 Pardon me.... your crazy is showing. Yeah, I know. My crazy. The crazy I come from. They're not so different, are they? 

So we were talking about how generous my dad was. And how that is how I imagine Jesus to be. Generous. Giving. Sharing. What's mine is yours. But in the midst of this conversation it took a very ungenerous turn. The story was.... some people were begging in a parking lot (like the Walmart parking lot) and the other characters in this story went to explore the situation. Before giving generously of their hard earned money the couple ask the ones in need what they thought of Jesus Christ. But not liking the answer given, the couple decided they would definitely not give of their money to these people. Okay... it's their money, they can do as they please with it. But on the heels of the conversation of Jesus and generosity, it seemed.... wanting. Less than. Not enough. My argument goes something along these lines.... Jesus would just give. No strings attached. He might attach His truth to it. For example, the woman at the well, Jesus says "go and sin no more." But He DIDN'T say, "I'll love you if you go and sin no more...." or "I'll forgive you if...." It wasn't conditional. Of course I think of the parable of the good samaritan who took care of someone who was not like him! Different nationalities and different religions too. He didn't say he'd pay for the poor beaten man's room and care IF.... he just took care of it. It wasn't conditional. I just think Jesus is like that. And I think I'll want to change and be more like Jesus because He's generous with me. He's not conditional. What if we were all more like Jesus and just gave because we could? Would the world be changed? I'm betting so.

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