Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Terrific Tuesday?

I'm trying to find some inspiration, encouragement, motivation. Because the first day of new normal sucked. I mean, I did achieve some things, Hallelujah. But one of the things I am working toward is keeping the kitchen up and running. To do this, I cannot have sinks piled with dishes. Which leads to a frustration with my resolve to do more cooking/baking. Um, yeah. I made muffins (from scratch, not a mix) yesterday and we had a home-cooked meal from our meal delivery service. There are dishes everywhere. And I have been working hard to try and keep up. *sigh* Today I feel like yesterday was a lot of running on my hamster wheel. Running, with intent, until I'm tired, to get off the wheel and find that I am still exactly where I started. Actually, no. Because I lost ground yesterday. I can't quite figure out a fitting comparison. (Which is weird, because I live my life in a world of movie clips, song clips, and analogies). Anyway, yesterday was a huge disappointment and today's challenge (should I choose to accept it), will be to be the example my kid needs and to try, try again, and never give up. Because if yesterday was any sort of example of what life is going to be like when I work from home, I quit. Wait, no. I can't. Ugh.

I am loving the daily writing.

Today's thoughts about hope and the good in life... I love the beautiful plants that I brought home that were gifts from significant people in Dad's life. Today's goal includes finding a place for them that is NOT the kitchen table. I am inspired by the birds that sing and provide daily hope and inspiration. I love open-window season. I will focus on the things I can change today. And let go of the rest.

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