Thursday, March 31, 2022

Last Day of the Challenge.... first day of? Not sure yet.

 It is so so good for me to write everyday. But I also feel like I did a lot of "just get it done" writing. So is it really best to write every day because I "have" to? I didn't have to, I wanted to see if I could see this through, especially since I am not working outside the home right now.... and I did it. Today will be day 29/31 that I have written. I am proud of myself, that is for sure. I missed day one, and then I missed a day somewhere in the middle. Anyway.... I committed and I followed through. I want a cookie. Ha. There is an intrinsic reward, that is true. But I like tangible, touchable, and most importantly consumable rewards. 

Some options I am considering... building a calendar of daily like I did for students when I taught. I would include two or three options each day to choose from, from daily calendars, from lists of prompts on the internet, from my own curiosities about my students. I could just print one of those "365 days of writing" list of prompts and go through and pick the ones that interest me. I could commit to some sort of poetry writing. Oh my my. The possibilities are endless. wide open.

I thought today I'd wrap up with a letter. A favorite format of mine.

Dear Spring,

Please get back on your meds and start to manage your bipolar. The 80 degree, windy, fire hazard day on Sunday to snow on the ground, cold and brisk today, well, it's not fun and it's disheartening.  Also, the stupid turn-it-around-in-the-middle-of-the-day kind of weather, that is just ridiculous. Where it starts out springlike and ends in the middle of a cold, winter freeze, that is getting to be more than a little over the top. 

I know you have your fans. But currently, I am not one of them. So I'm begging you, get this bipolar under control and give us a small dose of consistently Spring-like weather for say.... maybe a couple weeks in a row. Is that really too much to ask?

I'm begging you....

a midwest girl just wanting to enjoy some outside time

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Walk in the Park Day

 Today is Walk in the Park Day. I know this because I looked it up here. I used to post daily "holidays" for journal prompts for student when I taught 5th grade. I was reminded of this when I saw Rita DiCarne's post about National Pencil Day.  

Wouldn't Walk in the Park Day be a great day to celebrate? For so many reasons. As a teacher, I would love to have kids journal about this day in advance. I would want students to write about what they would do to celebrate. Next, we could plan some of those ideas and spend a day of learning in the park. Lower grades learn things on these days that include "learning to share," "being a kind (inclusive) friend," "team work," and so much more. Most of these things actually apply to older students as well. And adults and kids can benefit from a leisurely stroll in a park, taking in all the new life that Spring has to offer. Unless you walk for your health and fitness, and then walking in the park might be brisk and quick along paths and walkways, still reaping the benefits of fresh air, and the wonder of Spring. Or possibly I could bring my pups and they could enjoy the benefits of a walk in a park. Just thinking about this "holiday" makes me smile. Oh the possibilities.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

For real this time...

 Last night I tried the 5-4-3-2-1 format. But a) my heart wasn't in it, and b) I just saw the same format with completely different questions/topics! How exciting for me. So today, I'll try the 5-4-3-2-1 format with the topics I choose, and answer in earnest and see how that goes.... 

  • 5 Things I am grateful TODAY:
    • The Kansas wind is not blowing a fire my way (so far)
    • I have space to plant a garden and play in the dirt
    • I can tiedye and create with my kid
    • Communication is improving between myself and my child
    • Warmer weather, because it improves my mood as well as my ability to function (my knees don't swell as much or hurt as bad when it's warmer).
  • 4 things I am doing RIGHT NOW:
    • I took this to be the 4 things that I have rolling around in my brain right now.... 
      • blogging: day 29 of a 31 day challenge. I have been pretty faithful and it's a good commitment to keep.
      • concern for my children and the drive to pray for them.
      • my house is a wreck and I hear/feel the "shoulds" bouncing off the walls of my mind like ping-pong balls... "laundry: put it away" "create a new, more efficient space for rugs and towels" "do it NOW" "unload the dishwasher and reload it" "clean out the fridge" I feel myself physically flinch at that one. Something died in our fridge. It literally makes me gag when I open the door. Recoil. Maybe that is the word. Whatever. It stinks and I don't wanna. "You gotta" "do it! do it NOW!" "clean up the barn and get those ducks out of the house!" "Outdoor birds need you to get off your ass and get to work..." (Okay, those things may not technically be inside things, they just battle with the inside chores for priority status).
      • money and paperwork and meeting deadlines! oh my. Are they really lions, and tigers, and bears? oh yes. yes they are.
  • 3 things I am working on FOR or WITHIN MYSELF:
    • Forgiveness. Everyone falls short. Forgive yourself Care.
    • Acceptance. It is what it is and I have no power to change it. I can change me and that is all.
    • Positive self-talk: "I was/am a good parent." Seriously? That ones churns my stomach a little (lot) and I feel a little bile creeping up my esophagus. Thank you gird for reminding that stress is a real gut churner and shit-stirrer. I have been challenged to accept that I am a good mom and that I am ever-seeking to improve, which counts for something. Not so easy to do.
  • 2 things I can check off the To-Do List for THIS WEEK:
    • Return paperwork for insurance
    • return paperwork for assistance
  • 1 thing I need to let go of to move forward (the sooner the better):
    • Well, the parent thing. Comes down to my parent(s) and childhood and my greatest fear is that I am my mother. I love her. And I have come a long way in terms of acceptance and forgiveness, but I have to let go of a) the notion that I can somehow outrun my genes, and not parent the same way that is in my DNA, not to mention that its what was modeled, and b) that if I am like my mother, it is bad. Come on Care, let that shit go. Your momma loves you and you love your kids. So let the negative framing go..... 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Trying another format I just saw! 5-4-3-2-1



  • Having two of my kids home.
  • Playing games with my kiddos.
  • Holding my cat.
  • Art.... drawing, painting, writing
  • Spring!


    • busy
    • busy
    • busy
    • ummmm


    • finish chicken pen in the barn
    • Finish strong on challenges for Simple Daily Drawing and Slice of Life Story challenge
    • mail important paperwork


      • that I am not a bad mom (well, you know, I don't think I can actually learn this in just one week, but it's a work in progress)
      • that I create pretty cool cards


      • Tiedye. I haven't dyed in a long while. 

      Sunday, March 27, 2022

      Five Things about Me...

       As near as I can tell, this idea has three hops to attribute ownership to. I was reading at and her blog about Five Things About Me, which she attributed credit to the blogger that she got her inspiration from at The Dirigible Plum, who, in turn shared about reading about this from A Place for Me blog, who read about this in a book called Dear Student. I think that is the end of the chain of giving credit, where credit is due. 

      This concept is so intriguing to me. If I were in a classroom this year I would certainly use this! But what about with
      colleagues and friends and acquaintances? Oh my! This is a really cool, simple, way to get to know a little bit about someone. A little glance into their life.

      • Something About Yourself
        • I am always distracted. Not my favorite thing to admit, but it runs a large portion of my life, trying to recover from not being fully in the moment, whether in a conversation ("Mom? Mom! Were you even listening?!"), in learning (Wait, what? First you put the bolt into the frame and then what? huh!?), in working (I have to get this kitchen clean, so what was I doing again?), in the mundane, the routine (I brushed my teeth, I got a drink, did I take meds? What was I doing...?).
      • Something about your Family Neighborhood 
        • My family, god love 'em, is bat-shit crazy. Probably how I ended up being so crazy. Should they read this, they will be hurt, but I have no other accurate description. That is my stock, what I come from. Oh, wait, we are fluent in sarcasm. That is my immediate family.... myself and my children, and should I ever decide to have a love interest. If you are not sure if we are joking or serious, we have achieved our goal in life. My ex husband is often very funny, but you have to be fluent in the language to "get it."
      • Something You Love to Do
        • I love to create. Artsy-fartsy all the way. My best, most productive art is Tiedye. I love to do it and I am pretty good at it. I take it to craft fairs and shows and flea markets and am not laughed out of the places I go, but it is admired and I am successful with it. To see for yourself visit Tie Dye For
          Just one quick example photo

      • Something You Hate to Do
        • Whelp, someone else said this one. Talk on the phone. Making phone calls is terrifying to me. Call the doctor? Do you have an email or text system? Call the creditors and work something out... do we really need electricity and running water?
        • I also hate to put away laundry. I don't mind the washing and drying. I don't even mind the folding. But the putting away.... ugh. 
          not my photo, but accurate

      • Something You Want to Learn
        • Carpentry. More specifically, to be a finish carpenter. To finish things and make them solid and sound and beautiful. I love playing with power tools. If there were anyone here to stop me, they might try, I can't say I'm the safest person with them. But I just am not that knowledgeable, so I am an amateur with a bunch of powerful tools that could lead to lots of trouble. 
      I hope you enjoyed this slice. I know I enjoyed crafting it. I think this is a really neat format. You might want to check it out for yourself! 

      Saturday, March 26, 2022

      A Limmerick, Ode to Coffee

       The smell of heaven is brewing

      I think of all the things I'll be doing

      once I've imbibed in the bitter, roasted, rich and robust

      Coffee cleans out my veins and purges the dust.

      This elixir of life, makes the mundane worth viewing.

      -Carrie Suderman (Horn)

      Today's slice is a limerick. I read that most limerick's are funny or humorous. I don't know if that is true of mine or not. I take my coffee seriously. very seriously. 

      Friday, March 25, 2022

      Crammed it all into one sentence....

       Today I am trying something I saw from Terje, it is a one sentence slice. She got it from another, and I bet that is how this whole thing works, sharing different writing ideas. 

      I am filled with anticipation today as the sky is blue and the temperature screams, "it's Spring!" and the roosters crow back and forth and cats race around happy to be alive, along with the ducks and chickens and dogs. 

      Wednesday, March 23, 2022

      Poor shaming. Yep, this is a rant

       I don't know really. I just saw someone else posted 10 things to love about Spring Break break and I thought to my poor not-yet-fully-caffeinated-brain, I can come up with three things about.... something. Life? Too broad. Me? Ummm, just no. Maybe things I wish people know about people like me? Hmmmm. 

      Three things I wish people would stop being so judgmental about.  Strike that.

      Three things people should know about fear and phobias.


      Three things.... 

      Maybe I'll just start with 3 random rants and take it from there. 


      Poor Shaming. 

      1. it's real

      2. it's systemic

      3. it cripples the millions of people who live below the poverty line.

      Poor shaming is a real thing. I know it, I feel it, I experience it, and I can identify it rather quickly even when you can't. *here my brain whispers to me.... (harsh, lots of well meaning people don't 'mean' to shame you). So I realize that some will get angry/offended. Even to the point of "un-friending" on the ole social media. But the truth is, as a nation, we need to be offended, needled, woke up. And here is the thing with that, part of the change, yes, can come from education. Educating John Q. Public to the system we've bought into since the beginning of this country that cripples a very part of "We the People" to the whole American Way, and spiel about "you can do anything and be anything you want to in this nation...." The rest of that sentence reads something like this, "....if you have enough money and wealthy connections, anything is possible." Ouch. But a large part of change comes from discomfort. This brings me to another uncomfortable subject.... Black Lives Matter. The BS that white privileged America sells about how they are not opposed to protests but just to the WAY BLM does it. Or the way the highly paid athlete didn't respect the flag pledging allegiance to a nation that only truly offers "liberty and justice for all" white, middle to upper class citizens. That is a rant all on it's own. But I want to offer that one of the things I have learned from this most recent quest for civil rights and justice for all is that the American Way will not be easily swayed and that people need to made uncomfortable for change to happen. 

      My child was in a mall in the middle of America last weekend when the shots were fired. This child is experiencing intense PTSD symptoms and applying for jobs everywhere and anywhere. But I know a whole lot of people who will say, "it's his choice to work there, there are jobs galore out there and if people would just look for them, they will find them!" The job market is tough and employment is not ripe for the picking as many people say it is. Let me tell you about my child.

      I have this child, brilliant creature. But he lives with crippling anxiety. CRIPPLING. I may well tell you more about that later, but right now I just want to tell the story in a fashion that describes living life in the bottom of the ninth with 2 outs and you're only on 1st base. The odds of making it home are not in your favor. And it is not solely up to you. This is pretty accurate in terms of how life looks. However, at least in baseball if the 3rd out leaves you stranded on 1st base, the fault goes to the hitter, not the runner. In life when your at the mercy of the other players and it's clutch time, you still take the blame and ridicule and there is an expectation to "take responsibility for your own life and destiny." 

      Hmmm. How to bring you up to speed about this child. I might have to just list some things and switch back to story form. I mean, who doesn't enjoy stories? And they are more fun to tell than just creating lists. 

      1. Child is part of the LBGTQ+ community. 

      2. The child's last relationship was with a narcissist. 

      3. When the relationship ended the narcissist took everything and my kid didn't care, he was just grateful for his life back. But he lost a car he paid for, every earthly possession he had including old vinyl records, games and the like, furniture, appliances (washer and dryer for instance), and all his clothes and shoes. Every. Thing. everything. 

      4. Enter the anxiety again. Kid doesn't drive. He had a license and drove for a brief while but then it was time for a renewal and he had to have a doctor release for medication he's on as well as an eye exam.

      5. No insurance = no eye exam. I think he said for approximately 6 years now. Gonna take a minute to get the cash for eye exam to get the paper that says he's legal to drive, and then the release for the meds and so on.

      6. Since we're talking about insurance, let me say, that's a freaking joke. He's had insurance a couple times. But it doesn't cover the eye exam really. It is still going to cost him >$100. Then the script will be another $50ish, and frames may be cheap (some places start at $10 and there are places to get them for free), but there is a cost on top all the other costs. 

      7. He doesn't work for minimum wage thank God. But that doesn't really mean that much. He works for under $15/hour. I don't know the exact amount. It seemed like enough when he was in a relationship that provided him a ride to and from work everyday. 

      8. Section 8 housing. He did qualify for income based housing. It is a little-bitty studio that he and his dog and cat call home. And it's not bad. Except that he went all summer without AC waiting on maintenance. And little things like that. 

      9. Uber and Lyft are expensive. They eat around $120/week of his paycheck. 

      I'm going to stop here. I don't know if you can see it but this kid has cards stacked against him in so many ways. How can he save for glasses? A car? Clothes? Shoes? Entertainment? Streaming services and internet? He spends over $500/month on transportation. When we have had the discussion about public transportation, like the bus, the truth is it will add about an hour to each end of his work day. So in essence, he has too decide if he wants to keep his dog, who cannot go 12+ hours a day locked in the house, or if he can give up any sliver of a life outside of work and take the bus. Which stops running ridiculously early, like 7pm. Which adds to my rant. The bus, the bus mind you, is part of system aimed at commuters that are off work and ready to board a bus by 7 pm. That is not the majority of those below the poverty line. I'm told they shouldn't be so proud, and should be humble and willing work any hours of the day and whatever. First of all, "they" is me, and my kid in this story, and it's offensive. And second of all, the system works against those very words. 

      This rant could go on, and on, and on. and on. and then some more. But I am emotionally drained from baring my soul. How ironic, I didn't bare my own soul, but the soul and "sins" of my child who came from no money and who pays the price every day. 

      Tuesday, March 22, 2022

      Mentors and impressions


      As a student teacher, I had a day that I felt like was just falling apart, and I talked to my sponsoring teacher. She asked me, "have you 'caught' them doing what you want?" And so I just started pouring out the sweetness and praise, and the day turned around instantly. She was a great mentor. I became a teacher in my 40's. So not starting too young for sure. But that line, that snippet of advice, stuck with me. And until I taught 5th grade that one year, it saved me many a time. Kinders and Firsties, I know how to catch them being on-task, and they are eager to be called out in front of their friends for doing the right thing. I mean, in some ways, it works until eternity. Like if I attend a conference or a workshop and someone is commended for their kindness or commitment, I still kind of want those things more. I have never seen a teacher like my mentoring teacher for student teaching. She was and still is, amazing. 

      I had this one internship where I was immersed in a 6th grade classroom for both science and math. The teacher was enthusiastic and caring and she radiated positivity. But what I took away from her was this.... she never answered a question. I had been in her classroom for weeks before I heard her directly answer a question with a statement. Every other time it was with a question. "Does this look like....?" "Do you know if there is a resource in the classroom you could use?" "Have you tried....?" This was one of those things I wanted. She was never rude, and students didn't walk away feeling like they should have just stayed at their desk, they felt empowered, they still felt heard, and they had options. I carry pieces of her teaching in my heart.

      I was blessed to have fantastic mentors all through my education. Because I am one who mimics and copies and receives other people's actions and works as imprints on my mind. I am grateful that I could absorb pieces of great mentors. I have more stories. Maybe one day I'll tell them. The moral for me is that "The Little Engine That Could" is a real thing and I will do whatever it is that you tell me I can do. I absorb your feedback like a sponge absorbs water. 

      Monday, March 21, 2022

      More adventures of the Hippie Chick Farm

       Enter day two of Spring. Today I have projects to finish. But it is rainy and wet and I am not looking forward to them in the damp Spring air. Yesterday I only partly finished some projects and I just prayed that no predators would get into the barn and get my crested polish chickens or my geese. It would have to be a LARGE and crazed predator to attempt the geese, who are bullies in their own right. But I can't just depend on dumb luck and prayer to keep my birds safe. And I'm soft, I cry when they get attacked and disappear. I know my so-called farm is not much to my "real" farmer friends. But these are the tasks that make me say, yes, it's a farm and yes, I am a farmer, just on a different (smaller) scale than my farmer friends. It is probably technically just a homestead, but I did, in fact, name our place The Hippie Chick Farm. So therefore it must be a farm. of sorts.       

      My Punky constructed this for the geese. I got the structure secured on the sides, now to get the gap covered in chicken wire. 

      "The Octagon Pen." Where the 3 Polish spent the night.

      Here they are all settled in for night. 

      Sunday, March 20, 2022

      Fully Present.... I think it requires the ability to fully disengage as well

      I have a confession to make. I am never fully present. Well, never is such a dramatic word. I am SELDOM fully present. And the reason as I play it in my head may well be an excuse, but I'm going with the word 'reason' instead. The reason for this is because I am NEVER fully disengaged. I fall asleep with a nagging sense of worry and wake up tired and worried and alert and on-guard for the dangers that come from living with an avoidance queen (me) and a major depressive borderline personality (not me). So this epiphany takes me down a number of magical(?) rabbit holes and starts the fire to figure out "the why" of it all. I think to myself, no wonder I can't figure out where all the stress is coming from. I mean, I constantly blame the forgetfulness, the absentmindedness, the loss of a train of thought, on "chronic stress." Those expressions sound something like this: "It's all that cortisol my brain is dumping, really, I am an intelligent human...." After awhile though, it is just more blah, blah, blah. 

      I like the following explanation/definition of chronic stress that I found on the website, the url to the article is provided here, so click on the link if you want to know more about this information. 

      "Chronic stress occurs when the body experiences stressors with such frequency or intensity that the autonomic nervous system does not have an adequate chance to activate the relaxation response on a regular basis. This means that the body remains in a constant state of physiological arousal.

      This affects virtually every system in the body, either directly or indirectly. People were built to handle acute stress, which is short-lived, but not chronic stress, which is steady over a long period of time. In order to begin managing chronic stress, it is important to understand what it is, what may be causing it, and how it affects the entire body."  

      Basically, my body and mind never fully relax. So you may ask why I have all this training under my belt (I have been to many a conference and in-service and read the books and done the studies about ACEs, trauma, and the crisis cycle) and I don't remain calm, I react instead of respond, and go from 0-90 in 2.5 seconds. First of all, I'm never really at 0. I go from 70-90 in 2.5 seconds. At 70 I am barely below the radar, keeping the lid on all the anxiety and so on that lives within. But when that minor stressor happens, it blows my cover.

      So although I wish I could fully engage and be fully present, my brain is tired and still wired. It's on a triple shot of espresso, day and night. You ask me to pay attention, to listen, to engage, but my brain is on high alert. So wish me luck with that. 

      Most educators I know have had exposure to and training on ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and what ACEs do to a person, but if you do not have knowledge of this, check it out. Our kiddos in the classroom live with a lot of ACEs everyday. This link will take you to the cdc and it's information on ACEs. There are TONS of connections, links and information on the cdc site. 

      Saturday, March 19, 2022

      What the what?!

       I live in the middle of Kansas. And nothing much happens here. Except for yesterday when all my kids were in the mall. There was a shooting! I have one kiddo and one grandkiddo (the only grand I have) working in the mall. But the mom of the grand-kid working the mall was also there with two of her bonus children. In addition, my kiddo's friend was in the mall.... a friend from another town that used to be a roommate to my child~ she calls me Mom. I know, there were tons of other people in the mall who have families that this tragedy happened to as well. But this is my story. And I wasn't there. But getting the text from daughter number one saying she was safe and my other child was safe with her, at first puzzled me because I didn't know of the shooting yet. But I quickly became informed. And panicked. You know, the ole mom-heart doesn't slow down because the message says they are safe. It runs the whole gamut of what-if's and ends somewhere in the vicinity of "there will be fall-out from this and how will this affect my kids ability to function and move forward in the future.... !?"

      And I am sad. Why is life like this? There is a mother of a 14 year old boy out there today trying to function knowing her son will soon be in the ground. And in the midst of questions and accusations, and more questions, she will have to try to grieve her loss. There are more mothers of teens out there who lost their children to the system, and there will lawyers arguing that children should be tried as adults and what mother wants that? 

      All of this brings me back to all the memes, quotes, and clichés that surround and permeate the trauma-sensitive world that is education right now.  Mostly this one stands out to me: You cannot punish the trauma out of someone. 

      Our country/society seems to think that more and more punishment will someday change our world for the better. I believe that all it does is make more incarcerated humans. And damage more kids, and pertetuate the laws of the trauma that come from a soul so disengaged in humanity that the life of another person is not seen as valuable. 

      Today I am sad.

      I leave you with a sunset to represent the setting of the sun on the lives of these teenagers. But also on the sun setting on the tragedy of the day, knowing the each day is a new day and the sun will rise again for my children, my grandson, and all the others who were in Towne East Mall yesterday. 

      Pardon the washing machine in the middle of my gorgeous photo. It had the audacity to up and quit on us! 

      I am participating the Slice of Life Story Challenge, blogging every day in the month of March. Click the slice to see more slices! 

      Friday, March 18, 2022

      Preparing for chicks, day two....

       Remember that thing about prepping for baby chicks? Day two of the saga: Prepping for baby chicks. 

      Do not, I mean it, do NOT let me loose in a farm supply store in springtime. There are too many things I "need." 

      On the drive to town, Punky says, "we need to stop by TSC, I need to price some things." I said, "I'm probably coming home with some baby chicks then." Her reply talked about how we have discussed this and we are going to wait another 10 days or so until we have everything ready.

      I paid for the chick starter/grower feed, she paid for the babies. We are both culprits here.

      Four assorted bantam chicks came home with us today. Two picked out by the Punky and two picked out by yours truly.
      This little guy is probably a cochin bantam. He has fluffy feet! 

      This is an old English of some sort. Maybe even a silver wing like Duck was, but no matter what, I think we'll be besties.

      Are these guys not just the cutest ever!? Pekin ducklings, we believe (and hope).

      This is my Silver Wing Old English Game Hen bantam. 
      The dogs tried to kill her and during her recovery she became the sweetest pet. 

      Thursday, March 17, 2022

      Prepping for baby chicks, it's not about the chicks

       Today is a day. A day I can anticipate or dread. We are planning to work on prepping the back room for incubating eggs and setting up a brooder. These plans that I make with the Punk (aka, Punkin, Punky, Lemonade, J and many more), are frightening and overwhelming and I thought to myself, I should pray. I should pray some serene and simple prayer that invokes anticipation and open-mindedness instead of this fear and dread that I am currently feeling. But I'm not spiritually sound these days, and my prayers are more like, "...... idk, ..... whatever...." So I thought, I'm going to look up the Prayer of St. Francis, and that I did. I took a side road and looked at the prayer of St. Patrick since today is St. Patty's day, but it didn't inspire me, it just made me tired. I proceeded to the prayer of St. Francis, one that I know that I love. 

      Peace Prayer of St. Francis 

      Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
      where there is hatred, let me sow love;
      where there is injury, pardon;
      where there is doubt, faith;
      where there is despair, hope;
      where there is darkness, light;
      where there is sadness, joy.

      O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
      to be consoled as to console,
      to be understood as to understand,
      to be loved as to love.
      For it is in giving that we receive,
      it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
      and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

      Maybe this prayer is inspiring and not tiring because I am familiar with it. Maybe it's because the first line puts the burden back on the Lord.... "make me an instrument of your peace...." I am not responsible, I am humbly asking God to make me into something. And what I am asking is not of my own accord but HIS peace. My spirit is not prayerful or full of wisdom right now. But I know enough about the power greater than myself to know I cannot conjure up a peace for myself like the peace that my higher power can give me. 

      The current buzz in education is trauma informed, sensitive, responsive. Part of that is to really listen and to seek to understand, and not just listen to respond. And I think, "grant that I may not so much seek.... to be understood as to understand...." Wow. I think that huge and deep and profound. It is enough. I think about myself and all my compulsions and obsessiveness and my desire to write, to talk, to be understood and how it mucks up relationships and communication. So forgive me my selfishness and let me seek to understand. How will that change my relationships with those I love the most? I don't know yet. But for today, I will pray the prayer of St. Francis and borrow his words and seek to give and not receive, love and not to seek love for myself, to console and to understand. Today I will ask God to work miracles in me since I am weak and hate and judgement are the easy paths. Today I will seek to bring joy and be a willing participant in my own story. Today, as I seek humility, I will remember that doing nothing is still a choice, and doing something does not mean I am not open to whatever God will bring me. 

      Amen. and namaste.  

      Wednesday, March 16, 2022

      A day in the life....

      I don't really have a grip on farm living yet. We've been here for about a year and a half. But in my mind and if there were a logical bone in my body, in my logical side (I do have doubts that this exists), farm life begins at dawn. Or before. It begins in the moments before the sun graces us with it's presence, as I remember those times in childhood, sitting at my grandparent's table, waiting for my uncle to come in with the milk and the sky was still gray. But I am learning a lot! And a slice of the pie that is my life is filled with learning and gaining more independence. 

      I culled my first chicken yesterday. It was not as difficult as I anticipated. In fact, I didn't cry at all. She was one of our "original" chicks, two years old, and definitely a pet. Two years ago, when the world shut down, we got baby chicks, and she is part of that. She was the last one of those originals. It was Raven. My beautiful Raven, and to be more precise, I got two chicks that day and one was a golden comet that I named Goldie Hawn, and the other was a black sex link that I named "That's so Raven." 

      Epsom salt foot bath for the bumblefoot. It was too late though, she was losing her toes. *sadness*

         We, the Punky and I, got our laundry drying rack installed in spite of the fact that the back room is still just a project to be completed. I don't know long it will be before it looks like anything other than a nightmare, so we are choosing to live in the nightmare. 
      The reason it looks like a bed frame is because it is!! It's a metal frame for a toddler bed. Attached to the wall on one end and hung with electrical wire at the other end. One day soon, it will be full of Lula Roe since I own more pairs that I dare count from the ole teaching days.
      This is not really a "farm life" thing, but a Carrie-thing. I took my new handmade cards to therapy, so I can humbly brag on myself in a safe space and my therapist is buying three of them! Booyah! 
      1. I've always gnome you were the coolest... 2. Owl be there for you 3. Way to go gnomie! Proud of you! 4. Owl be there 4 ewe....
      And then there is this! This is why I bought a house that is wrecked inside! The view. More specifically, the sunsets. 
      The truth is, this photo couldn't even come close to capturing the magnificent coloring of the western sky at twilight. And no photo can actually do justice to the peace and serenity that descends upon the land at the sun drops below the horizon. 
      There it is. A snapshot of a day in the life of this budding farmer.
      Head on over to Two Writing Teachers to read all the slices. Scroll down to the comments and there are LOTS of links to well-written Slices of Life.

      Tuesday, March 15, 2022

      Impulsive behavior and good intentions.... paving the way to (you-know-where)

       Carrie Lynn. The most impulsive person I know. Or is it obsessive? Or compulsive? It's an -ive, that part is for sure.

      So I am currently not employed, unable to get unemployment because of a fraud alert on my account. I've been trying since October. And now I am completely unable to access my account because.... I don't know why. The truth is, I think it's fraud. again. I think the fraudulent number got the messages meant for me and changed my password! I can't get in. Thank you state of Kansas for a system so broken that my numerous, I mean NUMEROUS, phone calls, get me nowhere. Not this week, not last week, not in February, January or any time in 2021. Okay, but this really only back story. 

      My car, my precious, beautiful car, was not being paid for. And I didn't want it to get repossessed. Because 1) I don't really know how it works and didn't want to be expected to pay money I didn't have and 2) I wanted to  have it off my plate: no more $400/month payments that I couldn't really afford when I did have a job! No more! Once this became my quest, there was no stopping me. No wise wisdom of friends that would reconcile itself with the thought that I must sell my car IMMEDIATELY. Like yesterday. So I did it. I sold it to a dealership and walked away -$280ish dollars on it. Yeah, I PAID someone to take my car. My beautiful car. 

      Now we are a one vehicle household. It is the kid's vehicle. She bought it. She paid for it. She owns it in the free and clear. But it is also an $1800 car. Worth every penny, but probably not worth much more. I mean, we've probably already driven it our (her) $1800 worth. But should it perish, we are screwed. On so many levels. My child, who is still 17, and having the generous, forgiving nature of 17 year olds, would never forgive me if her car should expire while it is our only vehicle. No matter the nature of it's demise, should it be labeled a violent death or natural causes on the death certificate, it would forever be because it was getting abused when it was the only vehicle.  But this coupled with my own need for freedom, self-sufficiency, I am becoming more and more desperate to get a vehicle.

      I am not 17. I do not care if it is knocking, tired, and ugly. I mean, I do. But I am on a quest to find that vehicle that (hopefully) will run for many years in spite of how well-loved, well-used it might be. It can be ugly as sin. I want a truck with all my heart. Well, with whatever wanting piece of my heart that is designated to vehicle love. 

      But since I have no income, I have already burned through my retirement, my tax return, and no relief is in sight, I have only prayer and longing to see me through. Those are both great and ample resources to supply my need, and meager and leaving me wanting due to the magnitude of my need and power of the resource. It is both ends of the spectrum at once. 

      I became vehicle-less, as a result of my own actions. Now I have no power to remedy the situation. Except to pray. And to put it out there. Neither of which are actually that small or powerless. 

      Due to my continuous over-sharing, I have been hesitant to vomit this need all over the world-wide-web. And I have met me, I am aware that I am not usually hesitant to over-share my thoughts, desires, and needs. Oh boy. But I am at the point where I need to purge this, or it will consume me and I'll indulge in some of the "-ive"ness mentioned above. Compulsiveness, impulsiveness, and/or obsessiveness. 

      So I am laying it down here. For you to read there. And asking God to bring good to me and provide my need. 

      Read about little snippets of life from teachers everywhere. Click the icon. Day 15 of the Slice of Life Story Challenge in the month of March.

      Monday, March 14, 2022


       Today I will start the day with gratitude. Here's my philosophy in a nutshell.... Gratitude: first it is a practice, then it becomes a habit and finally, it becomes a way of life. When I develop an attitude of gratitude, I practice finding parts of my day to be grateful for, ways to flip the script. 

      If I hadn't had crippling arthritis in my knees, I would be busy, very busy, and not available to help my child with the level of commitment that has been needed. I hate hobbling like an old person. I hate crying out because for whatever reason, my knee turned in that "just wrong way" and the pain is excruciating. I hate those things. I hate that period of time when I didn't realize that I was in pain, that the pain was steadily increasing, that I was long overdue for some blessed ibuprofen. I hate that when the realization descends upon me it is usually in the form of tears and suddenly I KNOW how much pain I am in. None of these are what I am grateful for. 

      I am grateful that I can take my kid to appointments galore; that on the bad days, the can't-leave-her-alone-with-herself days, I can be a quiet presence and just BE THERE. I am grateful that I am learning to know my child, maybe again, maybe in ways I have never known her, and that I am available for that. I am grateful that I'm there at those countless appointments to hear what doctors, psycho-therapists, rehabilitation therapists (PT, etc.), nurses, technicians, and specialists (GI doctors, ob-gyn doctors, allergists, etc.) have to say and I can hear their words of life, encouragement and specific directions they speak to her. 

      I can see that I am so fortunate to be able to be here for her. I miss working. I miss actual time to myself, time that I'm home and no other humans are here. I do. But I know that I'm lucky, fortunate, and blessed. 

      And I'm grateful. I know that when I search my soul for something to be grateful for today, I will easily find hidden gems that presented themselves today because of my inability to work at a job right now. 

      Read more slice of life stories here. Writing every day for the month of March.

      Sunday, March 13, 2022

      Some friends....

       There are some friends, some friendships, that you never know the depth of until too late. My friend Tom, a friend to our family, was a hippie soul. He had a longish beard and wanted everyone to be happy and he had a very sacred relationship with his savior. But mostly, he was an advocate I didn't even realize that I had. My mom told me after he passed how he started looking out for me long before I ever knew it. She told me about how he had approached about how I was old enough to wear young lady dresses to church, not just cutesy little girl ones. How it's important for blossoming girls (my words, I have no idea what wording he used with my mom), to feel good about themselves. And the dress mom and I picked out. I wore it to death. I mean I think it died a thread bare saddened death because of excessive wear. 

      My dad, was a good dad. To the best of his broken ability. And he often included me and loved me and did good dad things. And Tom was there to fill in the gaps. To tell me I could do anything I set me mind to, to accept me as I was, to see my brain, not just my too-soon-developed-sexy-teenage-body. My friend Tom passed away too soon. Twenty years this summer. Wow. And he was young, so young. Especially since I've aged 20 years since then! Now I know how terribly young he was! 

      Today is Tom's birthday and I'm flooded with memories. Memories of childhood when he and Dad would head to the dirt track every weekend with me sandwiched in between them in the cab of the pickup. His dry, wry sense of humor that sometimes hurt my feelings when I was a child (like when I tripped in the weeds and he and dad laughed and laughed and laughed and asked me what I found down there...) When he and I would go out "cruising" (and drinking, but no need to mention this to my mother) to surrounding towns to talk about whatever teenage crisis I might be facing. Or not facing, sometimes we just cruised and listened to the music and enjoyed the silence, no pressure. Times when I took solace in a visit to He and his wife's house for a weekend, or the night, to escape life. I am struck my his head bowed in prayer, his voice reverent, his posture humble. 

      Later, after death, I am struck by how he provided for his wife. How she and I carried on and built on the basis of friendship we had and how she is now one of "my people." How Tom's gentleness carried on. 

      I miss him. Twenty years later, I miss him. 

      Happy Birthday friend. You were and are amazing. 

      Click on the slice to go to today's Slice of Life blog and scroll to the comments, you will find many links to little glimpses of lots of people's SOLS for today.

      Saturday, March 12, 2022

      Running around like crazy.... and a haiku.

      Today I opted for a quick haiku. Today is my mom's birthday. My life is a rush today. Last night, as the habit seems to be developing, much to my chagrin, I stayed up wayyyyyy too late. And therefore, today started late. So I woke up feeling behind and rushed. Too much to do and too little time, a disaster of my own making. But I also have these commitments I've made for the month of March., both slicing and drawing for my SDD group. So today's slice of life includes an image in my head of the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, quipping "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!" and that is the gist of my world at the moment. I still have to resolve an internal conflict of what to make for a birthday dessert for tonight, get said dessert made, wrap a gift, complete another gift, make a card.... which leads me to today's SDD prompt.... beautiful rose. I am throwing around the idea of creating said rose on the front of a card and BOOM! two birds, one stone. And we are meeting at a place of my choosing, at a time of my choosing, but it is super early for us. We don't ever eat dinner at such a time. In fact, the first meal of the day usually happens sometime around mid-afternoon, and I think I'll skip that today. But I was fortunate enough to take place in a fundraiser for the wildfire victims where I bought some super expensive cinnamon rolls. I'm getting ready to indulge. and then maybe if the ibuprofen starts working, I can get busy....  

       A mother's love

      Happy Birthday Mom.

      I am grateful for your love,

      selflessly given.


      Mom tried on the tiedye shirt I gave her for Christmas.

      Friday, March 11, 2022

      The mystery of grief

       When sadness descends

      and envelops me 

      wrapping me in a blanket of melancholy.

      My heart grows heavy 

      my mind grows weary.


      like the weather 

      is an ever changing entity.

      Somedays it roars,

      howls, and rages.

      Other days it clings to me

      like a scared and weepy child.

      Somedays it is subtle,

      and I barely notice it, 

      but for the gray that filters out the sun.


      that strange beast,

      is not growing smaller

      nor quieter.

      It seems 

      it is gaining in size and strength.

      The frequency of it's visits 

      and the intensity of it's outbursts

      a mystery,

      hidden until 

      it is already upon me.


      Yesterday I wrote of the day Dad left us. Today I am caught up in the unpredictability of grief and the sadness that encompasses me. 

      Thursday, March 10, 2022

      The Anniversary....

      Today is the anniversary of the day my dad left us. It has been two years. I wonder if it will always be such a prominent memory? Or if it will fade? Will I forever find that I live in a nightmare from January 21 until March 10? 

      My dad was a jolly human. He had a passion for life and a huge, charismatic personality that drew people to him. Those cute little memes and quotes that say, "surround yourself with people who feel like sunshine." That was my dad. He was bolstered by people. You could watch him come to life when surrounded with people. It fed his soul. He was always a "the more the merrier" sort of person. To the point that sometimes we would be annoyed at how we could never just have a family gathering. To him everyone was family and no one should ever be without this. 

      I've pulled him off his pedestal on occasion this year to exam some of the ugly behavior. But seriously, why do I want to come to grips with that side of him now? He's dead. I have the right to remember and cherish and damn the haters. but my brain says that if I look at some of this shtuff honestly, maybe I can move past some of the crippling emotional stuntedness in my own life. The stuff that makes me choose the wrong guy every time. the stuff that makes me doubt myself on a basic level of human existence. Pedestals are dangerous places. And I know that. 

      But I also remember this day, after the one night that no one stayed with him. The night he was alone. I wonder how alone and frightened he was. I wonder if he just needed that one soul in the room with him to hang on. I wonder if that would have been better? no. I know that since the 2nd of March when we chose hospice, until the 10th when he left, was hell. Utter. Literal. hell. hell to know his pain. Hell because he was hovering between life and death. Hell of morphine induced sleep. Hell. 

      I ofter wonder if there had been another way. But there wasn't one that we saw. And the suffering blessedly ended on this day. March 10. 2020. 

      Rest in peace my sweet Daddy. I know you are rejoicing with your savior.

      This is the last day Dad was ever home. We did not know then that a vicious microbe was consuming his brain and stealing his life.

      Tuesday, March 8, 2022

      Breaking Biases... gender equality, gender ability, financial bias....

       Today is International Women's Day.  I watched a youtube video on Breaking the Bias. It was good. I watched a snippet from Reese Witherspoon about ending the silence of sexual assault. It was thought provoking. I know that men can be sexually harassed. I know that for men it might be even more of a secret because of the shame and humiliation of it. But what I have experienced is that it is the norm and even expected for women to take and keep their mouths shut. 

      I am a big breasted woman. It has led to much heartache. One of male "friends" once told me that maybe I get sexually assaulted because I put out the wrong signals. This same friend also said that I am not the marrying kind. I am not the kind of woman that men want to marry. Wait, what? Because why? Because I come across as the American male ideal of sexy? really? Or just what is the reason? I'm throwing this out there, and yet I don't think I want to know your answer. 

      In high school I was grabbed on the ass by another student in the dark and when I confronted him he said, "Well, you didn't scream, you must have liked it." Really? 

      And people wonder why I'm so jaded. 

      But International Women's Day.... yeah. I mean YES. Yes please. Break the fricking bias. hell to the yes.

      Kick down the door and let women be heard. Let us be worthy of the same pay that men receive. Let our efforts and hard work be acknowledged and known. Let the same amount of effort as our male counterparts be adequate and acceptable for the same acknowledgement and the same pay. Many times I see women get the accolades their male counterparts might get, but they have gone mile after mile after extra mile. How much would our work world change if men put in the same amount of time and effort as I see women putting in for the same pay and acknowledgement. Just putting that out there. 

      Break the bias.... toward gender roles. Yes, my girls CAN play with tractors and motorcycles and build hypotheses and so on. And my boys CAN excel at laundry and dishes and cooking and nurturing. 

      Break the bias.... this is a long list and I will just leave this much of it right here. You can add to it, you can argue with it if you really dare, you can ruminate on the thoughts I left you with. Today is International Women's Day. And whether we are quietly knocking on doors or loudly kicking them in, today is the day that we will celebrate.

      I am not good at faces. I'll just keep on trying though.