Saturday, March 5, 2022

For the love everything writing....

This sounds like the title to a piece about writing. But I am literally pounding the keys about the utensils I use when WRITING, drawing, coloring, filling out paperwork, making crafts and drafting a grocery list. Oh... for the love. This is my slice of life today, the 5th day of March, 2022. To read more, click on the Slice icon. The link will take you to today's Slice of Life posts. Scroll down to the comments and read and comment. It's what we love. 

For the love of.... 

flair pens. 

I mean, what's not to love?! 

The colors make my page say that what I am writing is

happy, bigger than ordinary, fun.

For the love of....


Really? Do I really need to explain this one? 

Sharpies are fun and bold and bright, or dark, 

and precise, or spread out--

sharpie on notebook paper equals smear and smudge

because they expand and spread and become somewhat fuzzy.

But sharpie on paintings,

sharpie on your cup, 

on plastic, or vinyl, or wood. 

Hooray for sharpies! 

I love sharpies.

But what about the love of....

Papermate InkJoy gel roller pens? 

Oh. my. stars. 

the lucky stars anyway.

These are perfect for

cards, both creating cards and signing cards;

calendars, who doesn't want to record all their scheduling and appointments and plans in color?

and doodling. (no descriptives needed)

I also love coloring. 

How about the smell of a freshly opened box of crayons? 

Is there any smell that is more educational?

any smell that is more filled with hope and preparedness and new beginnings?

But you know,

know what is also very public school, 

brand new year, 

I'm a big kid now? 

Colored pencils.

for creating... maps and charting growth and meeting reading goals,

and color papers and making cards and whatever a heart could desire. 

What about the love of....

the mechanical pencil? 

for sure. For sudokus and planning and list making and first drafts

for fun, for seriousness, for in-between.

But drawing.... 

for the love of drawing

there are drawing pencils and number 2 pencils and even the blessed Ticonderogas will work.

I love drawing. 

Last summertime, I indulged in

a set of drawing pencils.

All different softnesses and hardnesses. 

So don't even get me started on the love of paper....

notebooks and loose-leaf and printer paper and stationary and card stock and construction paper. Oh my! 

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