Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What Would You Do?


I'm obsessed with watching ABC's What Would You Do? I love how it takes on the issues of the day. Many of which shouldn't be issues anymore. Like inter-racial dating or racism. These are things that those of us who are inundated with privilege that we deny we have (you know, white, middle class, and so on...) don't even acknowledge. But the truth is, as much as things have changed, they have stayed astonishingly much the same. 

So what would I do if I were faced with some of the situations they bring up? I don't know honestly. So I hope I would be outspoken and stand up for what's right. But I do live in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the country in the middle of Kansas. It could be really hard to stand up. I don't know. I'm not exactly known for my tame tongue. I guess I'd probably secure my rank in society as a loud-mouth weirdo. 

What are your hot-buttons? Racism? Poverty? Work Ethic? Sexuality? Sensuality? Spay/Neuter Animal programs? What makes you hot under the collar? 

I jump on the Poverty soap box pretty quickly. Because this country is ridiculous in their views of what poverty is, how much control over circumstances that those in poverty actually have, and the cost of living in America today. Inflation is real. And the cost of meeting your basic needs is increasing at an alarming rate while wages are not increasing. 

Please, whatever your hot-button is, whatever issues you take issue with, stand up for them. Intelligently. Indulge yourself in research. Don't stand up ignorantly. But arm yourself with facts and what the right thing is, and stand your ground.

To read about other people's Slice of Life today, click on the orange slice, scroll down to the comments and click on the links to read.

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely and thought-provoking post. I have never seen the show that you mention, but the ideas sound really important. Especially as a teacher, I worry a lot about where to stand my ground with comments that students make. Sometimes, it is easy to stand up and say, "No, we don't say those things," but more often, students are sneaky and I only ever hear a tone of voice, or half a statement. What do you do with those, when you suspect racism or misogyny or bullying over sexuality or religion? It is a conundrum. I am 100% with you about the views of poverty in this country, unfortunately. That is definitely an issue that people should educate themselves on!
